Frequently Asked Questions

Please read these FAQ about your intended procedure prior to scheduling a phone consultation.

  • What are Dr. Patel’s qualifications?

    Dr. Patel is nationally board-certified in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery. He is in good standing with local and national medical societies.

  • How long has Dr. Patel been in practice?

    Dr. Patel has been in private practice for over a decade and has performed thousands of facial plastic surgeries.

  • What type of surgeries are offered?

    We perform cosmetic procedures for the nose, eyelids, forehead/brows, cheeks, chin, lips, and neck. We also provide functional surgeries for the nose and eyelids/brows.

  • What type of anesthesia is offered for these procedures?

    Local (awake) anesthesia

    • This is performed in our office. Patients are fully awake but may be medicated with oral Valium, pain medications, nitrous gas, topical anesthetics, and injected anesthetics. 
    • There is pain during the administration of local anesthesia and patients are fully aware while undergoing the procedure. While most patients elect for this option, it is not for everyone.
    • Not all procedures can be performed under local anesthesia.

    General (asleep) anesthesia

    • This is performed at the surgery center. Patients are fully anesthetized (requiring a breathing tube during the procedure), under the guidance of a board-certified anesthesiologist.
    • Patients do not have to experience the pain of local anesthesia, but may have some common after-effects of general anesthesia (e.g. nausea, fatigue).
  • What is the usual “at-home” recovery time for facial plastic surgery?

    Usually 1-2 weeks, depending on the patient and procedure. By “at home”, we mean staying at home and not engaging in normal social life or exercise.

  • What are my physical restrictions after surgery?

    No heavy lifting or strenuous activity for 2 weeks. Full activity at 1 month.

  • When will I look normal again (i.e. when most of the swelling and bruising is gone)?

    The average is 2-4 weeks, depending on the patient and procedure.

  • When will I feel normal again (i.e. when most stiffness and numbness resolves)?

    The average is 3-6 months, depending on the patient and procedure.

  • What is the cost of various procedures?

    All procedures will vary based upon the type of anesthesia used. General anesthesia usually costs about a third more than local/awake anesthesia. Prices also vary based upon the type of procedure (see below). We cannot give an exact amount until we have examined a patient and determined the most appropriate type of procedure. 

    Brow and Forehead Lift

    • $4,000 to $10,000
    • Types include: endoscopic, hairline, and temporal (lateral), direct.
    • Some of these types may be performed in the office under local/awake anesthesia.

    Eyelid Surgery (aka Blepharoplasty)

    • $4,000 to $10,000
    • Types include: upper, lower, lid tightening, fat repositioning.
    • Lid tightening is required for patients who have increased laxity of the lower eyelid rim.
    • Fat repositioning is a volumizing procedure during lower eyelid surgery.

    Nose Surgery (aka Rhinoplasty)

    • $6,000 to $15,000
    • Types include: open (tip and bridge), tip only, nostril reduction, revision/reconstructive.
    • Revision/reconstructive procedures may require grafts of cartilage from the ears or rib.

    Face & Neck Lift

    • $8,000 to $20,000
    • Types include: full, mini, submentoplasty (includes neck liposuction and platysmaplasty)
    • A mini lift is a lower facelift (jawline and neckline), while a full facelift also involves lifting the upper cheek.
    • Platysmaplasty is a procedure to tighten muscular bands in the neck.

    Facial Implants

    • $3,500 to $6,000
    • Types include: chin, cheeks, lips
    • Prices include the cost of the silicone implant as well as surgical placement. 
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